Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a brand new adventure for us (:

ask yourself .
what do you actually want .
close your eyes .
ask your heart .

I wish I would be matured .

happened a lot of things these few days.
it'd been hard for me to go through .
I'm not even sure whether I've go through or not .

I've keep repeating it's not my fault .
but damn it ,
who cares ?
I do .
I give a damn on every actions ,
every words,
every look,
everything .
that's why it came out like this .

in doing things,
thinking things,
speaking things.

I wouldn't cry, shout, scream , go mad for anyone who doesn't deserves.
and to those who deserves,
they won't let you be.
that's what it is.
i wouldn't, i mustn't and i won't.

last words,
it's time for us .
to be a bit more matured.
maybe not you,
but i'm in.

tzesanlovess .