Sunday, January 30, 2011


so things will change the right.
change until,
i can't even stand.
its so fake.
why should i act like i'm not hurt?
why should people act like they are happy in front of someone who make them really,very sad?
i dun wanna get hurt.
i dun wanna get hurt so i act like i didn't get hurt.
but i still got hurt by someone stupid.
so i got hurt by someone stupid.
that means i'm more stupid right?
since when,
this stupid feelings came?
its so obvious he's only making me in love with him and just throw me away letting me being a dumb in loved stupid girl crying in the rain beside the road.
not even in his life.
i'm not even his friend.
maybe if all these things come over again,
i will choose not to be in love with him,
shouldn't even bother him at the first place.
but its too late.
no regrets.
although it ended.
but no regrets for anything.
just stay happy and live simple.:)
that's more than enough le.
and also,
with friends in my life.
i love ya all.