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节目上中唱〈我是一只小小鸟〉,这首歌过去曾洗炼过每一个唱它的 灵魂,再一次,丁当嗓音中带著神经质的澎湃与激昂,取悦了严苛的 评审,更惊艳了网络视频上数千万点击者。 她也许没有包袱,也还没有传奇,但, 站在舞台上唱著〈我是一只小小鸟〉的丁当,有微笑与勇气。 她是在台湾第一个唱这首歌的女声,她对生命的诠释,年轻而充满力 量。 可那微笑与勇气的背后,藏著的是什么呢? 歌词这样唱: "每次到了夜深人静的时候,我总是睡不著; 我怀疑是不是只有我的明天没有变得更好。 未来会怎样,究竟有谁会知道, 幸福是否只是一种传说,我永远都找 Ng Tze Donn and 2 other friendsJordan Chew Junhao
Annie Choo Choo Train are now friends with Guo Herr.Chan Zi Heng and 6 other friendsKhor Chia Shuen
Melvin Tan Eng Chuan
Reagan Chong
Pit Fong Chong
JyoKyori LoveGothic
Liew Yee Han are attending Rentas Desa CHS 2011.Saturday, February 19 at 6:30am at CHS PJMERAH...UNGU...KUNING...HIJAU...BIRU..clash between the five colors of CHS. Which house will be able to strive for the best? Which house will be the leftover? T...ime will decide everything.
Run, Like Never Before.-CHS Running Gangz
hey end time i dunnoe yet~ will be changed. Btw...CHS Running Gangz FTW! XDSee MoreChan Zi Heng and Foong Mei are now friends with Haw Pei Ting.
Hui Wai and Yow YuTian are now friends with Xiang Yi.
Liew Yee Han and 2 other friendsPit Fong Chong
Jas Lee are now friends with Ruo Yu Eng.